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Friday, February 27, 2009
Released at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time
Canada's balance of international payments, fourth quarter 2008
The current account balance with the rest of the world (on a seasonally-adjusted basis) was a deficit of $7.5 billion in the fourth quarter of 2008, the first since the second quarter of 1999. In the capital and financial account (unadjusted for seasonal variation), Canadians repatriated funds in the fourth quarter of 2008, as investors reduced their holdings of foreign securities by a record amount.
Industrial product and raw materials price indexes, January 2009
The Industrial Product Price Index declined 0.1% in January compared with December, while the Raw Materials Price Index rose 1.4%. The strong downward movement registered by these two indexes during the previous two months halted in January, with petroleum prices strengthening on world markets.
Food services and drinking places, December 2008
Crude oil and natural gas: Supply and disposition, December 2008
Computer and peripherals price indexes, January 2009
Commercial Software Price Index, January 2009
Placement of hatchery chicks and turkey poults, January 2009
Production and disposition of tobacco products, January 2009