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Canada's international transactions in securities, September 2008
Canadians reduced their overall holdings of foreign securities in September due to additional sales of foreign bonds, which more than offset investment in other instruments. For their part, non-residents followed a very similar investment pattern in September, as a large divestment in Canadian bonds resulted in a decline in holdings of Canadian securities.
Study: Lead, mercury and cadmium levels in Canadians, 2007/2008
Less than 1% of Canadians aged 6 to 79 had blood lead concentrations in 2007/2008 above current Health Canada thresholds established for the general population, and less than 1% of Canadians aged 20 to 79 had total blood mercury concentrations above current Health Canada thresholds for adults. Blood lead concentrations have fallen substantially since 1978 when national levels were last measured.
Study: Beverage consumption by children and adults, 2004
Leading indicators, October 2008
Travel between Canada and other countries, September 2008
Apartment Building Construction Price Index, Third quarter 2008
North American Transportation Statistics