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Cases in adult criminal courts: Type of decision, 2006/2007 
  Total Guilty1 Acquitted Stay/withdrawn Other2
  number number % number % number % number %
Total offences 372,084  242,194  65  13,485  110,286  30  6,119 
Crimes against the person 91,363  48,089 53 6,291 7 35,152 38 1,831 2
Crimes against property 89,319  59,085 66 1,536 2 27,413 31 1,285 1
Administration of justice3 64,990  46,296 71 961 1 16,597 26 1,136 2
Other Criminal Code 30,832  19,559 63 1,214 4 9,417 31 642 2
Criminal Code traffic 51,473  40,418 79 2,474 5 7,990 16 591 1
Other federal statute4 44,107  28,747 65 1,009 2 13,717 31 634 1
1."Guilty" includes guilty of the charged offence, of an included offence, of an attempt of the charged offence, or of an attempt of an included offence. This category also includes cases where an absolute or conditional discharge has been imposed.
2."Other" includes final decisions of found not criminally responsible, waived in the province or territory, and waived out of the province or territory. This category also includes any order where a conviction was not recorded, the court's acceptance of a special plea, cases that raise Charter arguments and cases where the accused was found unfit to stand trial.
3."Administration of justice" offences under the Criminal Code include such offences as breach of probation and failure to comply with a court order.
4."Other federal statutes" refers to offences against Canadian federal statutes, such as the Youth Criminal Justice Act, Young Offenders Act, Customs Act, the Employment Insurance Act, Firearms Act, the Income Tax Act, and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.