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The Daily

Friday, May 11, 2007

Released at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time

Labour Force Survey, April 2007 
Estimates from Statistics Canada's Labour Force Survey showed little overall change in employment in April. This follows strong employment gains since September 2006. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate remained at an historic 33-year low of 6.1%.

Study: Income inequality and redistribution, 1976 to 2004
Inequality in after-tax family income grew through the 1990s, driven by an increase in inequality in family market income, according to a new study.

Study: A portrait of Canadian periodical publishing, 1998 to 2003

Commercial Software Price Index, March 2007 

Biotechnology spending by the federal government, 2005/2006

Cement, March 2007

Natural gas transportation and distribution, January 2007

New products

Upcoming releases: May 14 to 18, 2007