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  • Articles and reports: 16-002-X201900100003
    Description: In this second article on the 2019 spring flooding, Statistics Canada examines the potential impact on businesses, again using flood extent maps produced by Natural Resources Canada from satellite data acquired by the Canadian Space Agency from April 17 to 30, 2019.
    Release date: 2023-02-06

  • Articles and reports: 61F0019X20000015561
    Geography: Canada

    This report contains some basic answers to recurring questions that Statistics Canada receives on small business. It is also a reference to other Statistics Canada data sources and analytical products where more detailed information can be found.

    Release date: 2000-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 61F0057M1999004

    An extensive survey on preparedness for the Year 2000 computer bug was conducted by Statistics Canada in February and March of 1999. Senior managers in some 10,100 public and private organizations from across Canada were contacted. They were asked about the various steps that their organizations might have taken to address the Year 2000 issue, including: assessment, conversion and testing of systems for Year 2000 compliance; communications with business partners (customers, suppliers and service providers), and Year 2000-related contingency planning. Questions on the timelines that had been established for completing these preparations were also included.

    In general, most businesses and organizations said they had taken at least some steps to prepare their systems. Respondents also reported they were confident that their organizations would be ready in time for the Year 2000, and most organizations expected to be ready before the end of September of 1999. Preparations, however, generally remained a work in progress, and some organizations were not planning to finish until the last quarter of the year. This report includes detailed tabulations of the survey results, with breakdowns for 16 industrial sectors and five geographic regions.

    Release date: 1999-06-21

  • Articles and reports: 61F0057M1998002

    Survey highlights

    Release date: 1998-10-02

  • Articles and reports: 61-532-X19970013498

    Amidst evidence that the small business sector, and in particular new businesses, is the main engine of net job creation in the Canadian economy, there has been a renewed public policy focus and research interest on the small business unit. This research concerns topics including business practices, financing, characteristics of business owners, and business demographics. The purpose of these studies is generally to examine the causes of success and/or failure of small businesses.

    Release date: 1998-02-02
Stats in brief (0)

Stats in brief (0) (0 results)

No content available at this time.

Articles and reports (5)

Articles and reports (5) ((5 results))

  • Articles and reports: 16-002-X201900100003
    Description: In this second article on the 2019 spring flooding, Statistics Canada examines the potential impact on businesses, again using flood extent maps produced by Natural Resources Canada from satellite data acquired by the Canadian Space Agency from April 17 to 30, 2019.
    Release date: 2023-02-06

  • Articles and reports: 61F0019X20000015561
    Geography: Canada

    This report contains some basic answers to recurring questions that Statistics Canada receives on small business. It is also a reference to other Statistics Canada data sources and analytical products where more detailed information can be found.

    Release date: 2000-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 61F0057M1999004

    An extensive survey on preparedness for the Year 2000 computer bug was conducted by Statistics Canada in February and March of 1999. Senior managers in some 10,100 public and private organizations from across Canada were contacted. They were asked about the various steps that their organizations might have taken to address the Year 2000 issue, including: assessment, conversion and testing of systems for Year 2000 compliance; communications with business partners (customers, suppliers and service providers), and Year 2000-related contingency planning. Questions on the timelines that had been established for completing these preparations were also included.

    In general, most businesses and organizations said they had taken at least some steps to prepare their systems. Respondents also reported they were confident that their organizations would be ready in time for the Year 2000, and most organizations expected to be ready before the end of September of 1999. Preparations, however, generally remained a work in progress, and some organizations were not planning to finish until the last quarter of the year. This report includes detailed tabulations of the survey results, with breakdowns for 16 industrial sectors and five geographic regions.

    Release date: 1999-06-21

  • Articles and reports: 61F0057M1998002

    Survey highlights

    Release date: 1998-10-02

  • Articles and reports: 61-532-X19970013498

    Amidst evidence that the small business sector, and in particular new businesses, is the main engine of net job creation in the Canadian economy, there has been a renewed public policy focus and research interest on the small business unit. This research concerns topics including business practices, financing, characteristics of business owners, and business demographics. The purpose of these studies is generally to examine the causes of success and/or failure of small businesses.

    Release date: 1998-02-02
Journals and periodicals (0)

Journals and periodicals (0) (0 results)

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