Adult correctional services in Canada, 2001-2002 - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 85-002-X20030118426


This Juristat analyses data from the Adult Correctional Services Survey for the 2001/02 fiscal year, and shows trends as far back as 1993/94. It examines average daily counts of adults who have been incarcerated, and average counts of those on probation, serving a conditional sentence or on conditional release (parole and statutory release). It also looks at the number of admissions to these programs, the offences leading to the admission, the duration of the incarceration or probation, as well as some offender characteristics, such as age, sex and Aboriginal status.

Also examined is the cost of correctional services in 2001/02, broken down by type of activity and level of government. Included are the average daily inmate costs from 1999/00 to 2001/02, as well as the number of correctional institutions in Canada in 2001/02.

Issue Number: 2003011
Author(s): Carrière, Denyse

Main Product: Juristat

FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFDecember 8, 2003