A pan-Canadian measure of active living environments using open data - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 82-003-X201900500002


The purpose of this paper is to describe the development of the Canadian Active Living Environments (Can-ALE) dataset: a Canada-wide set of four individual and four summary measures that characterize the favourability of active living environments in Canadian communities at the dissemination-area level. This study reports on analyses which guided the selection of measures and derivation data sources for the dataset. The objective was to produce a national database entirely from open data and to evaluate the performance of open data compared with traditional or proprietary sources.

Issue Number: 2019005
Author(s): Herrmann, Thomas; Gleckner, William; Wasfi, Rania A.; Thierry, Benoît; Kestens, Yan; Ross, Nancy A.

Main Product: Health Reports

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLMay 15, 2019
PDFMay 15, 2019